Thursday, July 22, 2010

i don't feel like blogging....

I don't feel like blogging because I am absolutely POOPED/EXHAUSTED/TIRED.
My brain is like mush.

I'm teaching Kindergarten summer school from 7am-4pm.  

You read that right 7am-4pm.  

I'm with a class of 13 six year olds from 7am-4pm.  That shouldn't be allowed. 

If I'm tired at the end of the day, you know my kids are tired at the end of the day.

Oh well, I'll get over it.  The money is great and I'll be thankful I did it when I get my extra money on top of my normal paycheck!!

Atleast I had a few funny moments to get me through the day.

I had a little (Asian) boy tell me today that he knew how to count in Chinese. 

He said.....






And another boy tell me, "I have a sister that goes to this school, he's a girl!"   

See what I mean 7am-4pm is even making the kiddos brain's like mush.

Oops...I guess I just blogged.  


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