Thursday, July 15, 2010

puppy love

Yesterday I had to go back up to the vet to get some vitamins for Izzie.  While I was waiting in line this man walked in with the cutest dog ever.  I immediately asked him if it was a malti-poo, because he looked just like Izzie did when she was a puppy.  He was a little malti-poo and his name was Barley.  He was the cutest thing ever!!  His owner let me hold him and love on him for a good 15 minutes.  It kind of gave me puppy fever {along with the baby fever I'm already starting to get}!! When I got home I just had to look at Izzie's puppy pictures.  She was so darn cute when was a puppy, I just had to share some pictures of my Izzie girl!!


  1. her little doggie carrier....OMW!!

  2. Oh my GOODNESS! I would never leave had I seen her as a puppy! LOL! She is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. Aww, so cute!! Puppy fever (and baby fever) hits hard...good luck!! Heheh ;)

  4. OMG aaaaaaaaaadorable! PS - Your pictures are just fantastic! How fun to be doing something that you absolutely love!
