Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We had our Smith Family Reunion today. (a.k.a our first staff meeting) We have a lot of changes and a lot of new staff members this year so our design team went all out in planning our "reunion".  

One of the things we did today was go under the school (literally, we climbed down this secret door in the janitor's closet) and sign the beams underneath the foundation of our school.  The reason behind doing this was because 3 years ago when our school was still being built we had a special ceremony with our principal and our namesake.  

All the teachers and their families came to the school and signed the foundation of our school.  We got to pray in our classroom and write scripture on the foundation of our own classroom.  
Today our principal wanted to give our new staff members a chance to sign the foundation of our school as well.  

It was neat to go back and look at my pictures and remember the scriptures I wrote in my classroom.  As I am starting to get ready for this upcoming school year I am praying these same scriptures for my new group of kiddos. 
And while I'm praying for my new kiddos, I'm also praying for my sweet friend Sarah.
Sarah and I started teaching togethers 3 years ago.  Her and her husband moved to Waco this summer so this will be our first year not teaching together.  She is at a new school with all new people so I know that can kind of be scary. So say a little prayer that she has a smooth transition to her new school.  And if you think about it, say a little prayer for me too, I'm kind of having a hard time not have her around.  I have never not taught with her, so it's just kind of weird not having my friend around.  

It's going to be a good year though.  We have a firm foundation centered around Christ, and I know He is going to do good things at our school this year.  


  1. That is so special; I love that y'all got to do that.

    Praying your year goes smoothly without Sara this year :)

  2. It is so amazing that your school leadership leads his staff in such a godly way. Blessing for a great school year!

  3. that's awesome can you teach jack?!?!

  4. where is your friend teaching? josh's mom works at one of the elementary schools for woodway isd.
