Wednesday, August 04, 2010


If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you have probably seen my updates about Izzie.  

I took Izzie to the vet yesterday for what I thought was a little sore on her tail that looked like it was getting infected.  Come to find out, it was actually an ulcerated tumor that had begun to get infected because of the open wound.  The vet advised me to go ahead and remove it even though it was benign.  I could have just given her an antibiotic to clear it up, but the word tumor just scares me and I didn't want to have to deal with a bigger tumor down the road.  

Anyways, my Mom dropped Izzie off the vet this morning and she went into surgery around 11:30 and the nurse called me around 12:30 saying everything went just fine.  I picked her up after school at 4:00 and she has been extremely groggy since we got home.  
**pics taken with iPhone

She won't eat anything, drink anything or go to the bathroom.  She won't even take her pill that I have wrapped in Velveeta cheese, and she LOVES Velveeta.  I'm hoping I can get her to take her antibiotic and her pain medicine in the morning so she can feel a little better tomorrow.

Poor thing.

1 comment:

  1. When our dog had a herniated disc and was paralyzed we couldn't get him to drink. We were worried he was getting dehydrated due to everything, so someone told us to give him some chicken broth. Mix about 1/4 cup chicken broth with 3/4 cups water and she won't be able to resist the water :)
