Sunday, September 19, 2010

birthday trio

Tonight we headed over to Matt's sister and brother-in-law's house to celebrate the September birthdays of the family.  
My birthday is on the 20th, Matt's is on the 29th, and Stan, Matt's Dad, is on the 16th.

We had a delicious BBQ meal made by Bryan and some yummy birthday cake!!
We even got to blow out the candles and make a wish!!

Grandaddy with all of his grandkids!!  
I think there needs to be a few more in this picture! ;) Don't you??

I swear my "baby fever" keeps getting stronger every time I hang around this little guy.  Ethan is just the most precious baby ever!! Just look at him.

I was totally spoiled by my family!!

I got a cute picnic basket, a new camera strap, and some fall yard flags!!

The other birthday boy didn't really cooperate for any other pictures. I'll be sure to get some pictures of him on his real birthday though!!

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