Tuesday, September 07, 2010

my excuses for not blogging

My last real blog post was a week ago.  
(I don't count Meal Planning Monday as a real blog post.)

I have lots of excuses as to 
why I haven't been blogging though.

Seven days ago
my excuse would have been
I had to work late.

Six days ago
my excuse would have been
I had Bible Study.

Five days ago
my excuse would have been
I don't feel good.

Four days ago 
my excuse would have been
I had a bad day.

Three days ago
my excuse would have been
I spent time with family all day.

Two days ago
my excuse would have been
I was too busy cleaning & couponing.

One day ago
my excuse would have been
It's Labor Day and I'm not doing a dang thing.

But today
my excuse is
I'm addicted to
And if I'm real honest.  I've been watching 24 on Netflix Instant Streaming for the last 4 days with my husband a little too much.  

It all started when Matt would watch 24 while I was on my computer or doing coupon stuff.  Somehow I got really interested in Season 2.  It drove him crazy when I would ask him questions or try to watch it when I was really watching it.  I don't normally like shows or movies like 24, so I'm surprised I got so interested.  When Matt started Season 3, I decided to sit down and follow the show.  

Oh my word....Most. Addicting. Show. Ever.  

Tomorrow though, I will blog.  


  1. i love that show! we used to have 24 marathons.

  2. It is adictive. I was sad when it ended. I'm like you...it is so not the kind of show I thought I would have liked!
