Saturday, October 30, 2010

fall festival

Wednesday night our church had our Annual Fall Festival.  

This years the theme was "Once Upon a Time".  We were supposed to bring a children's storybook to life!!
As you can see, our class chose
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
**The head on our poster is actually our executive pastor!! We thought it would be funny to play a little joke on him.  Unfortunately he wasn't even there.  Our Senior Pastor texted a picture to him though!!

We both thought this was the best part of our booth.  The church staff got a pretty good laugh out of it too!!
We had just about every character represented at our booth.
Matt and I were The Yellow Brick Road and Dorothy.
Alicia was the TinWoman and Ray was the Scarecrow.
Eric was the Lion.
Julie was the Cyclone.
Michel was a scarecrow and Julie was a munchkin.
Carissa and Joel were both munchkins.
Their sweet dog, Leo, was Toto, for the evening. 
He was perfect.  I got to carry/walk him around all evening!!
Jonathan and Tammy represent The Poppy Field
Justin was a scarecrow and Johanna was an Emerald City person.
Jenny was Auntie Em and Tim was the Wizard.
Courtney was The Good Witch and Paxton was a flying monkey.
The only character we didn't have was The Bad Witch, but it was okay because......

"Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead."

 We had a "Ding Dong" walk for our game.  The children had to follow the yellow brick road,
and if they landed on the witch, they got a Ding Dong!!

The kids loved it!!

We had a blast and can't wait to do it all over again next year.
But until then.....
"There's no place like home!!"

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