Monday, October 11, 2010

happy you & me day

That's how I think of it.
Today doesn't belong to family 
or friends or jobs
or anything that can't fit inside the circle
of our arms around each other.
Today belongs to you & me.
Happy You & Me Day!!

We didn't do gifts for our anniversary because we "gave" each other new iPhones last month.  We did celebrated tonight though with a delicious dinner at Outback Steakhouse.  

And because I love a good deal, I have to tell you that our ticket was only $12!!  I had a $25 giftcard from a student from last year and I joined their rewards program online to receive a free appetizer.  We got a $40 meal for only $12!!  Love it!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary you two! I tagged you over on my blog to answer 8 questions about yourself.
