Saturday, October 09, 2010

worst sports weekend ever: part 1

Saturday morning we got up early to catch the DART to Fair Park for the State Fair of Texas and the Baylor vs. Texas Tech game at the Cotton Bowl.

When we first got there, there were no lines for anything so we went ahead and tried the Fried Frito Pie.  It was only 9:30 in the morning when we were eating our Fried Frito Pie.  I know it was early, but I ate a small breakfast at 6:30 and my normal lunch time at school is 10:30, so it was okay with me!! Plus, it tasted SO good.  It was served with sour cream and hot sauce, which I thought were both odd combinations, but I really ended up liking it with the hot sauce.  I think it was probably the best thing I've ever had at the fair!! 

After our morning snack we headed towards the Cotton Ball for the Baylor game.  I was such a supportive wife wearing my green and gold.  Don't worry though Ags, I had my gold Aggie ring on too!!
We actually had pretty good seats.  We were on the 18th row in the Baylor end zone.  When the ball was on our side we had a perfect view.  This picture was taken at the beginning of the game when Baylor was actually winning.
I tried so hard to watch the game, but it's just so hard to watch a game with two teams that you don't care about.  
Plus it was so stinking hot.  It was only 85 degrees, but in a stadium filled with concrete and metal, it felt like it was 100 degrees.  I took many breaks up to the breezeway to cool down, while my husband stayed in the stands and cooked.  He was so sunburnt at the end of the game. 

After a sad ending to the Baylor game, we fought the crowds for tickets and corny dogs.  Matt ate his so fast, that I didn't even get a picture of it. I don't like the wienie in a corn dog, so I get a fried cheese on a stick.  It is so good.  It's got the breading of a corn dog, but it's filled with cheese.  It was a tad bit burnt this year, but it still tasted so good.
I have seriously never seen so many people at the fair.  We walked through the car buildings for a little bit, but we both got frustrated with the amount of people there.  Plus our feet were really tired.  We decided it was time to head home.

We had 10 tickets we had to spend before we left, and just about the only thing that we could find that was exactly 10 tickets was a Belgian Waffle.  They looked so delicious, but let me assure you, it was a waste of money.  It was nothing special at all. 
It was a good day at the fair, but a sad day for both the Baylor Bears and the Aggies.  

So like the title says.....worst sports weekend ever.  

Stay tuned for part 2 of "Worst Sports Weekend Ever."

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