Sunday, November 14, 2010

cheap chipotle

Today after church Matt and I stopped by Chipotle to get some lunch.  When we got to the register the guy in front of us showed the cashier his iPhone and it took his bill down like 6 bucks.  You know how much I love a good deal, so I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Sorry to be nosy, but what did you just show her on your phone."  He said that when you check in on facebook, it gives you a Buy One Meal Get One Meal FREE coupon!!  So I quickly told Matt to check in and get the coupon.  After the coupon we got our lunch for $6!!

Made. My. Day.

It looks like the deal ends tomorrow, but if you want to try to sang it, you can go here.

1 comment:

  1. I love that "that guy" was my husband! :) I told him that it was our little way of paying you back for introducing us to the world of couponing!
