Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy thanksgiving

This year we had Thanksgiving at Matt's parents house!! 
Izzie stood under the table the entire time while Stan carved the turkey.  She was in heaven with all the little crumbs that were dropped throughout the day!
 Our dinner included ham, chipotle corn, sweet potato casserole,
 dressing, masshed potatoes, turkey, gravy, celery & peanut butter, rolls, waldorf salad, green beans, cranberry relish and jellied cranberries, and hot fruit compote.  
 We all stuffed ourselves silly!!

Izzie loved being with the family.  All the little kids played with her and loved on her so much.
 She was worn out at the end of the day though.
 Matt and I have so much to be thankful for this year.
We are most thankful this year for the sweet little baby growing inside of me!!

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