Monday, December 06, 2010

12 weeks

**I try to take my belly picture pictures on Sunday afternoon.  This Sunday we went and cheered on our friends who ran the White Rock.  As soon as we got home I put my PJ's on and took a nice long nap, which is the reason for the sleepy PJ belly picture.  (Or I guess I should say "bellyless" or "bumpless" picture.  I'm still waiting for my bump!!)

how far along? 12 weeks
how are you measuring? 12 weeks
size of baby? about 2 inches, the size of a lime and a half an ounce
heartbeat? 183 bpm (at our 8/9 week sono)
total weight gain/loss? 0 pounds.  I'm back to where I started. I guess it's about time to start gaining some weight, huh?
maternity clothes? I'm still wearing my normal clothes and they fit just fine!! My undergarments are starting to feel a little snug. Ha!!
stretch marks? No
sleep? I'm still going to the bathroom 1-2 times a night.  As long as it's not 3 times, it doesn't really bother me.  I've also started having some CRAZY dreams at night.  
best moment this week? Having enough energy to clean the entire house for our Christmas Party we are hosting on Wednesday!
movement? I'm not feeling anything yet, but my iPhone BabyCenter app says that I can prod my abdomen and my baby will squirm in response, although I still won't feel it.  But how cool is that!!
food cravings? Nothing really. No crazy cravings yet. 
gender predictions? I honestly have no idea. Eight more weeks until we find out though!!
what i miss: Diet Coke with Vanilla from Sonic.  My doctor said that I can have one small coke a day if I want, but I just feel better about giving it up completely.  Plus, since I have to stop by Sonic each morning to pick up a little boy for school, it forces me to get a Route 44 Ice Water which is way better for me.  It really hasn't been that hard, but I'm really starting to miss my Sonic stops.  I don't miss coke from a can or coke at restaurants, I just miss my Route 44 Diet Coke with Vanilla each day!!
what i'm looking forward to: Christmas parties.  Again, this has nothing to do with pregnancy, but I have 4 parties this week! I'm so excited!!
how are you feeling? I'm still feeling great!! No morning sickness here!!  

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