Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: a year to remember

This year has definitely been a great year for us! We are so thankful for the Lord's provision in our lives. We are so thankful for all he has done in our life this year.

Here are some of our favorite moments from 2010.

Matt started a new job at Children's.

 We had a recording breaking snow storm in Dallas.
 Izzie loved the snow!!
 We went on a cruise to Cozumel with 8 of our friends.
 We spent lots of time at the lake with my family.
 We took a vacation to Hot Springs with my family.
 I started my 4th year of teaching.
We went to a Ranger's playoff game.  
Matt says this year was the greatest sports year ever. 
Our nephew Ethan celebrated his 1st birthday.
 We celebrated our 2nd anniversary.
We spent lots of time with our ABF all year and got 3rd place at our annual Fall Festival.
 We found out that we are having a baby!
 I got to see my college roomies and meet Miss Kinsley.
 We had our last family of 2 pictures made.
We celebrated Thanksgiving with Matt's family.
 We got to "see" and "hear" our baby for the first time.
And we had a very Merry Christmas!!
We know 2011 is going to be a great year because we get to meet our sweet babe in June!!  We can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store for our family.

We hope this new year brings you lots of joy!!

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