Friday, December 24, 2010

christmas eve

It's been tradition for quite some time to do Christmas Eve with my family.  We started our Christmas celebration this year by going to their church for a Christmas Eve service.  After church we ate a very non-traditional Christmas meal of spaghetti and meatballs.  I LOVE that we don't do Thanksgiving food for Christmas.  I would much rather have something different like Spaghetti!!  After dinner it was time to open presents!!

Opening presents was so fun this year! Carson really loved opening his presents.  After he played with each present for a little while, he would say "another present?" or "more toys"!!
Carson is all about being just like his Daddy.  Ryan was reading a magazine with his feet propped up, so Carson did just the same.  It was too cute!
Since Carson loves anything his Daddy loves,  my parents got him a tool bench full of tools and my Mom made him a precious little tool belt.  
While we were opening presents, my Dad busted out his White Trash Santa hat!! We might have to get ahold of that for a White Elephant gift for next year!!
Drew and his girlfriend Marissa.
Me and Matt
Ryan, Ashley & Carson
Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful Christmas!!
I can't wait until next Christmas when our little one will be able to join in on all the fun!!

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