Thursday, December 09, 2010

a holly jolly good time

Last night we hosted our ABF's Christmas party.  We had lots of yummy appetizers and desserts and hot apple cider!!  Our favorite part about our Christmas party each year is the gag gift exchange.  I love seeing what everyone comes up with!!

Jenny and Tim got an awesome Santa hat!
 Joel opened up some elf boxers, but they quickly got stolen!
 Jared actually loved his deer lamp that someone had received as a wedding gift!
 I ended up with a cute lunchbox.  Being a teacher, I actually put this to good use!!
Matt was at the party, but I somehow managed to get zero pictures of him.
 Courtney and Paxton started out with a lovely picture of Tammy, but it also quickly got stolen. Not because everyone wanted a picture of Tammy, but because it had a Starbucks giftcard attached!!
The Kennedys actually ended up with the gift I brought!!
 Hehe!! I thought it was funny!!

Alicia and Ray got a cute little Grinch which is perfect since Alicia is working as a teacher's aid now!!
Denise got some bookends, which she was thrilled about because she needed some.  She didn't care what they looked like, she just wanted some bookends for her classroom.   Chase got some finger lights. I'm not sure how he plans on using them, but he must have really wanted them, because he stole them from somebody!!
Michel and Julie ended up with a disturbing little figurine of a baby in two hands. I have a feeling this gift might show up at another White Elephant gift exchange in the future.
Tammy got a smoke alarm, battery included! And Jonathan got Lassy Legs for all his unwanted hair.  For some reason, he wasn't very excited about it!!
Carissa got a picture frame with messages of despair and Joel ended up with a ton of random Tony Chachere's cooking items including injectable butter!
Julie and Eric got a giant bucket of cheese balls.  Mmmm...those look so good.  I haven't had those in forever!!
The last gift to be opened was a lovely nightgown.  Bryan said he would model it for us if tom would model his new boxers.  Crazy guys!!
After all the gifts were opened, we walked over to the house with the coolest Christmas lights ever.  
Everyone loved the Christmas lights!!

 And when we returned and everyone had left, I found this in my bed!!
Thanks alot Bryan!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your giving away the pregnancy test - made me chuckle. :) It's funny I have one left over from when we were trying and keep wondering what to do with it. Mmmm...
