Monday, January 17, 2011

boy or girl? {& a giveaway}

This giveaway is now closed.

As you probably know, I am SUPER excited to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl at our next sono on January 27th. I don't really have any predictions or preferences.  I have no idea how I would know what I'm having because all the things like heart rates, being sick or not, and Chinese gender charts are all "old wives tales".  I have no preferences, because I feel like it doesn't really matter what you have for your first baby.  A healthy baby is all we are praying for. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter to me.  I'm just excited to finally know!!  

I came across a fun little opportunity to "find out" what we are having a little early.  I say "find out" because this fun little opportunity is only 80% accurate.  

My longtime friend/college roommate/maid of honor, Brittany, works for a company called Splash Media.  They do social media marketing.  One of Brittany's new clients happens to be Intelligender.

{IntelliGender's Gender Prediction Test is the fun pre-birth experience moms are talking about! You can discover whether you’re having a boy or girl as early as 10 weeks pregnant along. It is a urine-based test that is easy to perform in the privacy of your home, with results ready in minutes!  IntelliGender's Gender Prediction Test bridges the curiosity gap between conception and sonogram.}

Brittany immediately thought of me whenever she took on this new client, so look who I got a little package from in the mail today!!
 As you can see they sent me not just one but TWO Gender Prediction Tests.
I'll be using mine sometime this week and I'll be giving the other one to one of you {or someone you know}!!

Here's how you can enter to win......
{You have 3 chances to win. So make sure you leave 3 separate comments!} 

1.  Follow my blog, and leave me comment telling me that you do! 
{You have to be an "official follower" through Google Friend Connect.  All you have to do is click Follow on the left hand side of my blog and log in! You will not be eligible to win if I don't see you as one of my followers.}

2.  Leave a comment guessing whether you think we are having a boy or a girl!

3.  Tell me who you know that would love to have a Gender Prediction Test! 
{If you are not pregnant and don't know anyone that is pregnant, you can totally say that you are going to take it for yourself to use in the future.  It doesn't expire until 12-2012!}

I'll be announcing the results to our test and the winner of the giveaway on
Friday, January 21st!!

Good luck!!


  1. I follow your blog, and I love it!

  2. I think you are having a girl!

  3. I would keep it for myself, eventually I will get to use it :)

  4. I can't believe that it is so close to you finding out. How amazing and special is that:) Congrats!

  5. I want to say a little girl but sadly I have been wrong about half the time so who knows that that means!

  6. First of all how cool is that product! Love it! Well if I were to win the giveaway I guess I would keep it for myself as all of my ladies that I know are having little boys and obviously know their gender:) So I guess future use for me:)

  7. I follow you blog, but have never left a comment. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

  8. I think that you are having a boy. I was extremely sick when I was pregnant with my daughter and showed almost immediately.;)

  9. I would keep it for myself. Hopefully, I will need it before 12/12. :)

  10. I love following your blog!!!

  11. I think you are having a boy!

  12. I think you'll have a girl. ((I also think you'll have the cutest creative baby room - which is why I'm hoping for pink sparkles)). We are so happy for you two.

  13. I would like to use it for myself in the future... That's a long expiration date. :)

  14. I'm a follower now too. The test sounds like fun! Neat giveaway - I'm excited to hear your results.

  15. I am a follower on GFC


  16. I think you are having a boy!


  17. I would love to have this for myself!


  18. I follow your blog!
    husskl at comcast dot net

  19. I think you are having a girl!
    husskl at comcast dot net

  20. I want to save this for myself, lol we are still TTC #4, but I already want to know what it is!
    husskl at comcast dot net

  21. I subscribe to your blog - not sure if that counts as following! :)

  22. I think you are having a girl!

  23. I can't think of anyone pregnant who doesn't know the gender yet, so I'd keep it for me! Thanks Katy!

  24. i am now a public follower of gfc

  25. i'm going to guess girl since i have two of my own :)

  26. we are ttc our third child so if i won i would keep this for myself:)

  27. You should have made this my bday present!!! Of course you know I follow you, you're my sister in law! I think it's boy, I've thought that since the minute you told me you were pregnant! We'll see how right I am in a couple of weeks. I want this test for myself, obviously. I still have 6 more weeks until I find out and it's KILLING me to wait.

  28. I'm writing you again because the first time I put all of my answers in one comment like a dummy. I can't wait to know if it's a boy or girl. I want to start shopping since I won't know about me for a few more weeks.

  29. I want to win this because I am too cheap to buy one of these tests for me. I think they run from $10-$30

  30. Hi Katy, of course I follow your blog, love it!

  31. I am going to say for some reason I think you are having a little girl! But I love my little boy soo much and know you would love a little boy too!

  32. I think I would keep the kit for myself. We hope to have another baby and I know this would be really fun to use!

  33. melanie Calcut is a GFC follower.

  34. I will guess that you are having a boy.

  35. I am 8 weeks pregnant and i have three boys i am dieing to find out what number 4 is.

  36. I'm a follower of your fun blog!! Love your recipes and keeping up with your pregnance journey! :)

  37. I think you are having a girl.

  38. I would give the test to my daughter who is almost 14 weeks pregnant and is dying to find out if they are having a boy or girl. Like you - they don't care either way - they just want a healthy one!!

  39. I follow your the weekly pregnancy pictures/updates!

  40. I think that you're having a boy!

  41. I would keep the gender prediction test for myself and get to use it eventually...although not sure about using it as soon as 2012, but who knows?!

  42. I am casting my vote that it will be a boy!

  43. I've been following your blog for a while now, but I just now officially clicked the following button. Love reading your meal plans and recipes!

  44. I think you are having a girl, really only because it seems everyone I know is pregnant with girls right now!

  45. I would use the test for myself, I am pregnant as well and would LOVE to find out early!

  46. I follow your blog. Wouldn't that be lame if I didnt, considering I devoted an entire blog to WHY I follow you?

  47. I think you are having a boy. Just because I do.

  48. Id probably keep it for myself. You know...just in case. :-)

  49. I follow your blog and love all of your couponing and photography!

  50. I predict a girl :-) But I'm partial.

  51. I would give it to my friend, Emily. She and her husband were about to go through IVF when God gave them a miracle baby. You and she are due a week apart!

  52. i follow u via GFC! :)

  53. i think you're having a girl ;)

  54. I would use this for myself. I am not preg right now, but we will be TTC in a short couple months for baby #2 :) YAY!

  55. I am now a New Follower!

  56. ALL of my friends have had boys, or are about to have boys! So I'm going to say boy!

  57. I would like to use it for me:) It's good for a while!

  58. Your blog is awesome and I'm ready for a coupon class!!

  59. Your blog is awesome and I'm ready for a coupon class!!

  60. I think you are having a little girl! Congrats!
