Tuesday, January 25, 2011

happy birthday Mom!!

 Last night we went to Grimaldi's Pizza to celebrate my Mom's birthday!! 
 We LOVE Grimaldi's.  The greatest thing about Grimaldi's is that if you go to their website, and sign up for their VIP Newsletter, they will e-mail you a coupon for a FREE Large Pizza ($18 value). 
We got a cheese pizza,  pepperoni pizza, and meatball pizza.  They were all SO delicious!!

 Mom & Dad
 Ashley & Ryan
 Drew & Marissa
 Me & Matt
And Carson wouldn't pose for picture because he was too busy playing with his pizza dough!!
Matt and I have been telling my parents about Yogurtville and Yogurtland for a while now.  
We love going, but my parents have never been.  My Mom decided that she wanted to go for her birthday dessert.  I'm so glad we went, because when we got their, they had a sign on their table that said "Free Birthday Yogurt ($5 value)"  All you had to do was show your I.D.  We kind of cheated and Mom filled her bowl up really full and we ended up spliting!!  I know where I'll be going for my birthday dessert this year!!

Happy Birthday Mom!! We love you!!


  1. Oh that sounds like lots of fun and super yummy! I haven't tried that pizza place but how cool is that with the coupon. Also I love those Yogurt places! They are always so amazing and good for you. Love it:)

  2. I really like Grimaldis too! Best Pizza EVER!! :)

  3. I received my free pizza coupon! Now I just need to find time to use it!
