Monday, February 07, 2011

21 weeks

how far along?  21 weeks
how are you measuring?  21 weeks
size of baby? about an 10 1/2 inches, the length of a carrot and 3/4 of a pound
heartbeat? 140's bpm (at our 19 1/2 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +11.2 pounds.......eek!!
I packed on the pounds this week (3.8 pounds).  I was definitely eating for two while we were on our cruise. Now it's back to eating healthy.  I'm putting my self on a pregnancy healthy diet because I am gaining weight way faster than I would like.
maternity clothes? I didn't wear maternity clothes all week.  I spent the entire week in comfy summer dresses!!  And I rocked my bikini with my little baby bump. 
stretch marks? No
sleep? While we were on vacation I got up once a night to go to the bathroom but it was usually around 4:30, which is not my normal time.  I slept so good on our ship.  It was wonderful to catch up!!
best moment this week? Spending the entire week with my hubby in the Caribbean while we missed the winter weather back home!! I had planned on taking 5 days off, but because of the 4 snow days I only had to take 1 day off.  I just lucked out and had "sand days" instead of "snow days"!!
movement? I'm feeling lots of movement these days.  It's the coolest feeling ever. They are really starting to feel like kicks and not just little flutters.  Matt still can't feel it yet, but the kicks are getting stronger, so I'm sure he'll be able to feel him move around soon.
food cravings? There was no need to crave anything last week.  I ate everything in sight!! We ate 3 hearty meals a day, we usually snacked on some fresh fruit every afternoon, and had a slice of pizza around 5pm since our dinner wasn't until 8pm.
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  The 80 degree weather we had last week!! I'm so ready for Spring!!
what i'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to registering and starting Pearson's nursery.
how are you feeling? I feel like I am really looking pregnant. I'm getting out the "she looks like she is fat" stage".  It's such a weird feeling to be growing so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute! You really "popped" this week -- and got a nice tan! Have fun with all of the baby registry stuff, and prayers for a healthy rest of your pregnancy :)
