Monday, February 21, 2011

23 weeks

how far along?  23 weeks
how are you measuring?  23 weeks
size of baby? more than 11 inches, weighs just over a pound, about the weight of a mango
heartbeat? 140's bpm (at our 19 1/2 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? + 14.4 pounds (I keep telling myself that I've only gained 10 since 4lbs were gained on the cruise.  Cruise pounds don't count, right?)
maternity clothes? Yup!!  I bought a pair of black pants and a pair of black cargo pants that roll up to capris.  I have a feeling these will be major staples in my wardrobe for the next 4 months.  I'm still wearing regular shirts and dresses.
stretch marks? No.  I'm lotioning up my belly and hips every night.  I don't know if it will help, but I sure hope it does.
sleep? I'm getting up once a night to go to the bathroom and this past weekend I woke up at 6am on Saturday and Sunday and couldn't go to sleep. I sure hope it doesn't become a trend to not be able to sleep on the weekends.  I need as much sleep as I can get before he gets here.
best moment this week? Matt got to feel Pearson move!!
movement? I'm feeling Pearson move like crazy.  This week Matt and I both got to see him move.  It is so crazy to watch my belly and see it pop up and down or wiggle.  Matt even felt him move!! I'm so happy that he can now feel what I've been feeling.
food cravings? I found out they make Easter Egg Brownies like the Valentine's brownies I've been loving.  I have got to give this craving up.  No sweets this week for me.
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  Being able to sleep in until atleast 7 or 8 on the weekends.
what i'm looking forward to: My Mom and I picked out fabric for Pearson's bedding and we are going to sit down and "design" his bedding so we can get started on his nursery.  I'll post more this week about the theme of his nursery!!
how are you feeling? Feeling great!!


  1. I didn't get any stretch marks until the 3rd trimester. When I went into the hospital for my bedrest I only had 2 or 3 on each side. I don't even want to count how many I ended up with. My blessed husband never told me how bad it had gotten and I didn't have a full length mirror there, so I didn't know until I got home. I was horrified. Hopefully they'll fade... we'll see. You're such a tiny thing, you probably won't get any. :)

  2. I got a lot of stretch marks...and sorry to say...I've read on numerous websites/books that lotion does not prevent them. I've heard it's genetic...if your mom got them, then you probably will too...they're a bummer, but no matter what my body ends up looking like it is SO worth it and I'll do it all over again :)
