Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a day in the life of a pregnant girl

Today I......

......woke up 10 minutes before my alarm went off to go to the bathroom.

.....about cried when I stepped on the scale.

.....realized I had a hemorrhoid.  (sorry....TMI.....but that's real pregnancy for ya!)

.....noticed I had a little varicose vein on my leg.

......reminded myself that all these crazy things happening to my body will be so worth it.

.....ate a breakfast that didn't have any sugar because I had my glucose test today.

.....took my  pre-natal vitamin when my alarm ("my reminder")  on my phone went off.

.....was told by a few student that my belly was getting really big.

......felt lots of kicks and wiggles.

......was asked if my baby was coming out today.

.....accidently ate 3 M&M's after I gave my students some for good behavior.

.....frantically called the doctor asking if 3 M&M's would mess up my glucose test.  

.....ate a lunch with no sugar .

.....prayed that I don't have Gestational Diabetes because I really love sugar.

.....took a half day because my doctor's appointment was at 1:40.  

.....worked on my shower guest lists.

......talked to my Mom about all things baby/showers/pregnancy.

......drank the not-so-yummy orange drink for my glucose test.

......prayed that everything would look perfect in our sonogram.

......peed in a cup.

......got to hear my sweet baby's heartbeat at 128 bpm.

......found out that he is 3 lbs and in the 77th percentile.

......was told our little guy has a head of hair.

......saw that our sweet boy had the hiccups.

.....was told he is thriving and saw that everything looks perfect.

.....stumped my doctor with my belly pain.

......had to draw blood.

......went to Babies R Us.

.....stopped at Sonic Happy Hour.

.....relaxed and blogged about my 28th week of pregnancy.

......cooked dinner for my hubby.

......bought some diaper on Amazon for $2.49.

......bought some Diaper Genie Bags on Amazon for $6.57.

......rubbed my belly up with  lotion.

......crawled into bed with all 4 of my pillows.

......praised God for the healthy baby that is growing inside of me.


  1. I have a hemorrhoid also...so not a fun part of this!!

  2. Yuck on the hemorrhoid!! I appreciate your honesty. ;-) & if it makes you feel any better, I (in my normal, non-pregnant state) have pretty bad vericose veins, & they were HUGGEEE during pregnancy. They went back to normal after delivery.

  3. awww :) what a good day all in all!

  4. ohhh i LOVE this post!! makes my uterus itch!! (my sweet angel is 1.5 already and i want NEED another one!)

    enjoy pregnancy, it goes soooo fast. and even though you wish right now it would hurry you look back and miss having that sweet babe in you and with you all the time!

  5. Man you make me tired just reading that...

  6. Wow!! How did you get diapers so cheap on Amazon??

  7. Love this post and I can relate or at least remember what it was like!

    I totally got a hemorrhoid when I was pregnant and realized I had one before I was pregnant and never realized it! Kegels REALLY helped to make it go away. I miraculously didn't have any after giving birth---no drugs in the water--- so I attribute that to the kegels and the grace of god!

    Also my mom has HORRIBLE vericose veins and I have bad circulation too but only got more spider veins when I was pregnant. You might want to wear compression hose to keep those veins from getting worse and aching. Her vein doctor was very concerned about me exercising, keeping my feet elevated, and wearing compression hose to help out my veins! I didn't but I was able to put my feet up once an hour or so if I needed to and ran/walked/swam my whole pregnancy!
