Monday, April 04, 2011

29 weeks

how far along?  29 weeks
how are you measuring?  At my 28 week appointment, he was measuring 29 weeks in the sonogram.  When my doctor measured me, I was measuring 31 weeks.  Ahhhh....Am I going to make it to June 20th??
size of baby? According to Baby Center our baby is 2 1/2 pounds, like a butternut squash, and a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel.  According to our sonogram last week, he was already measuring 3 pounds.  We've got a big baby on our hands!!
heartbeat? 128 bpm (at our 28 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +24.6
maternity clothes? Lovin' them!!
stretch marks? No stretch marks yet.  I'm lotioning up my belly like crazy.  
sleep? Some nights I sleep great.  Some nights I sleep terrible.  I'm going to the bathroom 2 times a night, but it's at random times lately.  One night I woke up to go to the bathroom at midnight then I woke up and tossed and turned around 1am &  2am, then woke up to go the bathroom at 3am, then I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep.  Around 4:30 I finally got my phone out and messed around for 45 minutes or so.  When I realized I wasn't going back to sleep I just woke up at 5:15 and started getting ready for school.  
best moment this week? Seeing our sweet boy in the sonogram and hearing that he is doing great and really thriving.  And find out that I don't have gestational diabetes!! 
movement? Lots!!  Sometimes he kicks me so hard that it startles me. He's a little stinker though.  He'll be kicking me a ton, and I'll tell Matt to put his hand on my belly and as soon as he does, he stops.  Last night Matt did get to see him move and squirm alot.  He even asked, "How can you sleep when he's moving like that?"
food cravings? Nothing really. 
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  Ever since my belly pain started 4 weeks ago I haven't really worked out or gone on walks.  I feel so lazy.  I hate not being able to workout.  I really feel like it's hard for me to watch my weight when I can't be as active as I want. 
what i'm looking forward to: We got the nursery painted yesterday.   Our chair should be here any day now.  I'm so looking forwarding to getting some things on the walls so his nursery can be finished!!
how are you feeling? I'm still dealing with some belly pain.  I have my doctor completely stumped with this pain, so I'm just trying to take it easy and sit down quite a bit, because that is the only thing that helps.  I had a little heartburn one day this week too.  Not bad though. 


  1. Our baby does the same thing. It'll be kicking like crazy and the minute Evan walks over, complete stillness. Little stinker.

  2. you look so great!! I got your comment on one of my posts and it was so good to hear from you!! This blog is absolutely amazing...i am super new at the blogging world, so i'm learning as i go! You are obviously a pro already! I'm excited to start following your pregnancy on it!!
    HOpe you're doing fabulous!!
