Saturday, April 30, 2011

dinner & a date

Today our ABF had an entire "Fun Day" planned for the class.  It involved riding the dart rail from Plano all the way to the West End with lots of fun stops in between, including Pokey-O's.  We weren't able to join in on all the fun because I had a baby shower.  (more on that later!)  We did though meet up with them at the West End at RJ's Mexican Cuisine for dinner.
 We were super sad to have missed the stop at Pokey-O's.  We weren't super impressed with dinner, so when everybody left on the train to go back home, we decided to make a little date out of our evening and stop at Pokey O's.  Before we made our stop drove around Dallas a little bit and then stopped and browsed Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn kids.  I wish I could have my entire house decorated from there!!

At Pokey-O's, Matt got a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie and a chocolate chip cookie with cake batter ice cream. 
I got a snickerdoodle cookie and a cranberry white chocolate cookie with cake batter ice cream.  
They were YUMM-O!!

I love that we got to spend the evening out and about together.  I hope we can squeeze in a few more dates, just the two of us, before little P gets here. 

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