Monday, May 02, 2011

33 weeks

how far along?  33 weeks
how are you measuring?  34 weeks
size of baby? According to Baby Center our baby is 16.7 inches long, about 3.75 pounds, and the weight of a larger jicama. (What is that?)  
heartbeat? 135 bpm (at our 32 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +?? lbs  I forgot to weight this morning, which is probably a good thing because I feel like I grew a ton this week.  He's growing.....I'm growing (just look at the difference between last weeks picture and this weeks picture to see for yourself).....I'm just going to have to get over the weight gain.  I've been stressing way to much about it. 
maternity clothes? Maternity clothes all the way!!   
stretch marks? Still no stretch marks!!  
sleep? Potty breaks are the only thing keeping me up these days.  I'm actually sleeping pretty good.  If I get up for a 3rd time in the night to go to the bathroom, it's usually around 4 or 5 and I sometimes have a hard time falling back asleep.  
best moment this week? We had a wonderful shower given by my best friend from high school and some of my Mom's friends.  It was a great turnout, a great shower and Pearson was totally blessed with lots of goodies!!
movement? He doesn't kick so much anymore.  I think he's running out of room.  His movement is now just flipping and turning and moving from side to side.  It's really crazy to watch my belly move and shift.  Sometimes I have a big bulge on one side of my belly, it looks so funny!!
food cravings? Nothing really.
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  I miss being able to relax.  I've had a really hard time this week sitting down and relaxing.  I have so much on my to-do list and we are down to 5 weeks of school and 7 weeks until he's here.  I don't have time to relax, but I know I need to prop my feet up and relax every once in a while.   
what i'm looking forward to: My Kindergarten team is giving me a shower on Wednesday, we are meeting with a pediatrician on Thursday afternoon, and I am having my maternity picture taken on Thursday afternoon too!! Oh and I'm taking of Thursday afternoon and Friday!!  3 1/2 day work week!!
how are you feeling? I really have not major complaints.  This really has been a pretty easy pregnancy.  I feel like I'm nearing the "I'm miserable stage" so I'm really trying to enjoy everyday that I feel great!


  1. I love the shirt! So cute! You are getting so close!! So exciting!

  2. Don't worry about the weight gain. I gained way more than you with both of my pregnancies and it does come off. For me it is taking a long time, but again I gained much much more. Enjoy the end of your pregnancy and don't let it bother you. You look great!
