Saturday, May 28, 2011

fan on board

Pearson is due to arrive smack dab in the middle of the Rangers season.  
Matt and I are big fans, but we haven't had a chance to go to any games this season.  
When a friend posted on facebook that he was selling his season ticket seats to a game, I totally took him up on the offer.  I knew Matt would enjoy going to game!!  When I bought the tickets, the weather was still nice and in the upper 70's/low 80's.  
Now I'm starting to think I'm crazy for buying tickets to a Sunday afternoon game because it's supposed to be 94 degrees tomorrow.  I'm going to be one hot 9 1/2 month pregnant girl.
Oh well, we'll have fun!! Our seats are great.....15th row in fact.  I'm just going to enjoy taking my little fan on board to his "first game" and enjoy spending the day with my hubby.  

Who knows, this could be one of our last dates before the little guy arrives!!


  1. We're going tomorrow! It's Bark in the Park. We're taking Beau! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
