Monday, May 30, 2011

a little taste of summer

I'm a dork and left my memory card at home,  so I have no pictures to show for our Memorial Day fun. 

Memorial Day always feels like "a little taste of summer" to me.  We get a nice long weekend, then we have to go back to school for 3 days.  This year because of all the snow we had in February, we had to go to school yesterday.  I was SO not happy about this, but it ended up being a great day.  

Matt had the day off so he came to school and helped me pack up my classroom.  We got everything off the walls and got all but the bare essentials taken home and put in the attic.  I say we, but he did everything.  I seriously have the best husband ever. 

Because it was a holiday, I only had 11 kids.  It was fabulous!!  We just played all day.  (Ha, who am I kidding, we didn't just play because today was a holiday. We are going to be playing all week!!  Grades were due on Friday, so we are just babysitting this week.) We had our Kindergarten Awards Ceremony at 1pm also, and afterwards 6 of my parents took their kids home.  For the last hour of school I only had 5 kids.  It was amazing!!

After school, Matt and I scooted out and went to his sister's house for a little Memorial Day BBQ and birthday celebration for our niece.  My brother in law made THE BEST brisket, sausage, & ribs, gourmet mac n cheese, baked beans, & cole slaw.  We also had homemade peach cobbler and ice cream.  I seriously think I might have gained 5 lbs from all the good food.  Oh wait....I did gain 5 lbs this week!!  Ha!! It was perfect weather for hanging out by the pool.  I even sported my maternity swimsuit and got in the pool to play with my little 19 month old nephew.   

I hope you had a fun day with family and I hope you took time to remember those who serve our country.

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