Saturday, May 21, 2011

my little matey's nursery

Welcome to Pearson's nursery!!

Come on in....
 When I first started thinking about decorating a nursery I fell in love with this bedding.  When we found out it we were having a boy and went to buy the bedding we found out that it was out of stock and wouldn't be in until possibly late May early June.  Obviously, I couldn't wait until then so my Mom and decided to make it ourselves.  {Well, I didn't really make anything.  I just helped with the design process} Everything that is made out of fabric in the room my Mom made.  She is SO talented.   
 Pearson's letters are from Hobby Lobby and Matt just spray painted them black.  So cheap!!
 The bookshelf and baskets are from Ikea and all the decor is from Ross, Marshall's, or HomeGoods.
I got this little pirate as a gift.  It's a little stuff toy that teaches you how to tie, zip, button and velcro!! I ordered Pearson's little piggy bank off Etsy at this shop.  
 They discontinued the red changing pad cover that I registered for, so I ended up having to search for one online.  I got lucky and found one of the last ones on Amazon.  
 I actually designed and cut out all the pieces to this wall hanging.  My Mom just sewed it all together.  
 For his bedding, we used the bumper pad fills from Joann's.  I'm so pleased with how the different fabrics look together.  I think it turned out way cuter than the store bought bedding!!
 I'm not really sure what I'll be putting in this little toy bag, but I'm sure it will be nice to have a place to put night time routine stuff, i.e. pacis, lovies, blankies etc.
 My Mom made Pearson 3 different blankets, so if he decides for one of them to be his favorite blankets we've got 2 backups when one is in the wash!!
 This is the corner of his room that took me forever to decide what I wanted to do.  I really couldn't picture what I wanted until the glider arrived.  We got the glider and ottoman from Lonestar Baby, and I absolutely love it.  It is so comfortable.  I'm so glad we spent the extra money to buy a nice cushiony one rather than the typical ones at baby stores.  Night time feeding won't be so bad in this chair.  Matt really liked the ship wheels, so I just decide to add a little symmetry to the room and put on the other side of the window.  

{Notice Izzie in the picture.  She absolutely loves to hang out underneath that table.  
It's her little spot in Pearson's room.  } 
I originally saw this shelf at Pottery Barn, but I refused to pay $69 for a shelf.  I found a nautical nursery on Project Nursery that just happened to have a homemade version of this shelf.  She even told how she made it.  My parents had this shelf and bracket just sitting in the attic and we got the rope and brackets at Home Depot for $13.  My Dad just drilled holes in the corners of the bookshelf.  It was super easy to make.  The ropes don't actually hold the shelf up, it's totally supported with the bracket.  The ropes are just for show!  I absolutely love how it turned out!!
Again, all of the decor is Ross, Marshall's or HomeGoods.  My sister in law made the cute initials and the cute Pearson Pirate Bear was a part of the center piece at one of my showers.  For the picture frames, I plan on filling the outside two with newborn pictures and the inside one with something similar to this.  Again, I refuse to pay $25 so my other sister in law is going to make one for me after he is born!
I got this cute little light house (that actually lights up as a lamp) at Kirkland's.  I still need to fill all these frames.  I just haven't decided what pictures I want to put in them.
 I've got Pearson's cute little diaper bag all packed and ready to go.  My Mom has been making these diaper bags for 29 years.  I'm so excited to finally get to carry one!!  I'm sure this will just be the first of many precious diaper bags that I carry for Pearson.  If you are interested in buy one, you can check out my Mom's Etsy Shop.  She also makes super cute burp clothes, bibs,  and snack bags too. I'll have to post all the cute pirate things she made for me!! 
 And, last but not least, his closet full of sweet little clothes and all stocked up on diapers and wipes!!
So there you have it!!  I hope you enjoyed the little tour of Pearson's nursery. 

I know Pearson will probably never really care what his nursery looks like, but I sure did have fun putting it together.  I'm going to be spending alot of time in there over the next few years, so I'm glad I like the way it turned out.  I sometimes just go in his room and sit in his chair and look at it.

Just a few more weeks and I'll have my sweet baby boy in my arms and we can sit in the glider and look at it together!!


  1. so so cute!! I love all the details. You did a great job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My little grandson is going to love his room! Can't wait to meet the little guy!!!

  4. I LOVE how it turned out! Your have a great eye for design, and your mom is definitely super talented!

  5. Love, Love, LOVE! :)

    So glad you linked up the do-it-yourself shelf! I saw it in the PB magazine and had the same thoughts! I can't wait to make my own!

  6. Love his room! Super cute!

  7. LOVE IT... great job.:) I'm sooo getting those letters for my kiddo's name. Love the style of them!

  8. It is adorable! you and your mom are very talented. Love the color scheme.

  9. I found your blog link on Kelly's Korner and am now a new follower! I absolutely LOVE Pearson's nursery!! I'd love to talk to you about the fabric you (OK, your Mom :)) used to make the crib bedding and a few other details! I hope you don't mind if I pin this to my Pinterest Board.
    Ashlee -

  10. Hey Katy :) how did your mom attach the fabric to the lamp shades? What is the black piping on the top and bottom of the lamps? Thanks for the info :)
