Thursday, May 05, 2011

showered with love

Last Saturday my best friend from high school and 7 of my Mom's good friends hosted a sweet baby shower for Pearson. Everything was so cute!!

I absolutely LOVED the invitations.  I thought they were just precious!!
The spread of food was so delicious.  They served chicken salad sandwiches, cookies, brownies, quiche, fruit and veggies.  
And the best tea ever!!  
{They told me their's just Crystal Light Tea and Crystal Light Lemonade mixed together. }
The little Pearson Pirate Bear was my favorite part of the center piece.  I already have him sitting on a shelf in Pearson's room!!
I can't get over everybody's generosity in welcoming Pearson into the world.  He is one blessed baby already!!
My parents gift to us was all my bedding so we wrapped it up and took it to the shower!!  Here's a better sneak peek of his little toy bag that hangs on the crib.  
(I'll have pictures of his entire nursery up VERY soon!!)
I knew I was getting a diaper bag from my Mom, but I didn't know what it was going to look like.  I let her totally design it. I love the way it turned out!!  My Mom is SO talented.  
My mom filled the bag with all her other little things she makes and each one of them had this sweet little tag on it!!
My grandma also gave me a very special gift.  She made an "I-Spy Quilt".  Each little square is a different fabric and it has something in it that you can "spy".  When it's cold outside, me and Pearson can snuggle up on the couch and play I-Spy with our quilt from Nonnie!!
Pearson is going to have the best grandma's ever.  
Lolly & Grammy love Pearson so much!!
And he has some pretty sweet Aunt's too!!
Aunt Ashley (and his little cousin Olivia....coming at the end of July)
Aunt Jenn & Aunt Nicole too!!
Thank you Brittany and all my Mom's friends for making Pearson's shower perfect in every way!!
You truly blessed us!!

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest quilt I have ever seen!!! I love the diaper
    Bag!!! I really want to see the nursery now! ;) Blessed showers indeed!!
