Tuesday, June 21, 2011

i'm not in labor anymore!!

My Dad told me this morning that some of his friends had checked my blog and according to my blog I'm still in labor, at 5cm and about to take a nap.  

Just in case you haven't heard......

We had our sweet baby boy!!  

I've haven't had a spare moment to update my blog, but I plan on doing that real soon.  We have had doctor's appointments both yesterday and today.  If you are a Mommy then you know that one outing is an all day affair.  

Here's a picture of our sweet boy right after birth to tide you over for now.  
LOTS more pictures of this cute little guy coming soon.  


  1. Glad you cleared that up! Teehee! I'm really looking forward to reading your story, but take your time. Those first few weeks are seriously all consuming and yes a single outing pretty much takes it out of you for the day. Even now, I try not to take her out more than once (sometimes twice) a day just because of feeding and nap schedules. You'll soon discover that your life is lived in 3 hour increments. I hope everything is going well and know that we're thinking about you guys everyday.

  2. SO happy for y'all! :) Can't wait to see more pics..and hopefully in person! :)

  3. YAY!! he's so chubby! can't wait to hear more! congratulations!

  4. He is just perfect! Congratulations!

  5. Looks like he came out with a hat on! Can't wait to see more pics of your little guy.

  6. Funny reading that your dad's friends thought you were still in labor at 5cm and going to take a nap! Also love the comment that Pearson looked like he came out with a hat on!

  7. I can't wait to read more about Pearson and life as a mommy!!! I check every day waiting for any posting. I'm addicted. :)
