Friday, June 17, 2011

{Pearson's Story} Chapter 6: A Busy Day

Friday morning the nurse came in and helped me get out of bed and take a shower.  I put my cute pajamas on, put make-up on, and fixed my hair.  I was still moving slow, but I felt like a new woman all cleaned up.  I could definitely feel my body healing.  I even felt good enough to take our baby on a little stroll.  It was amazing how much faster I could move from just the night before. 
 Matt still did almost all of the diaper changes and taking care of him while I did all the feedings!!
Aunt Jennifer (Matt's sister) and Uncle David came to visit us!! 
They decided to leave their boys Peyton and Preston at home since we were still in the hospital.  They are going to come meet Pearson sometime later at our house.  Mini P can't wait to meet the other two P's.....Big P and Little P.  Poor Grammy and Grandaddy.  All their grandkids are E's and P's......Peyton, Preston, Pearson, Emma, Ellie, Ethan!! Just a little bit confusing!!
Pearson got real cozy with Aunt Jenn!!
Around 2pm, they came and took Pearson away to get circumcised.  
 I gave him a big squeeze and said a little prayer for him.  
 My doctor said he did great during the circumcision.  They gave him a pacifier with a little sugar water on it and they said he sucked so hard on it.  She said that he had both hands protecting it so no one could take it out.  When he came back though he was screaming!!  My shirt had an elastic neckline, so I took his clothes off and just stuck him in my shirt like a little kangaroo to do some skin to skin and try to soothe him.   
 He instantly stopped crying.  It was so sweet. 
Later that afternoon, my grandma and grandpa came to meet Pearson.  
 Oma couldn't get over how cute our little guy was!!
 My friend Cinnamon also came to meet Pearson.  
 She also brought me a Sonic Slush which made me a very happy Mommy!!
 Our friends Eric and Julie came to meet Pearson also!
 I love how teeny tiny Pearson looks up against Eric.  
 We are so thankful for our friends from our ABF. 
 All their sweet phone calls, text messages, facebook messages, e-mails and visits really meant alot to us.  
 Since Grammy got to see Pearson earlier in the day with Aunt Jenn and Uncle David, Grandaddy decided to swing by on his way home from work to see our sweet boy!!
 I looked forward to every meal of the day at the hospital.  The food was actually really good, and it was so nice to pick up the phone, place my order and have them say "We'll have it to you in 45 minutes or less!!"  Matt even got 4 meal vouchers so he ate breakfast at the hospital everyday and grabbed something elsewhere for lunch or dinner.  
After dinner, two of my sweet former students, Sheridan and Brooklyn and their parents came to visit.  They brought Pearson a sweet gift and lots of cute drawings!!
 Pearson also got some snuggle time with Pops.  
 After all of our vistors left, we had a little Friday night date in the hospital bed.  We put Pearson down for a nap in his bassinet and we watched Friday Night Lights.  It was so nice because it was during the nurse's shift change, so we watched the entire show without any interruptions from nurses coming in!
 Late in the evening, my little brother and his girlfriend, Marissa came to meet Pearson.  
 Uncle Drew and Pearson!!
My uncle Richard also stopped by to meet Pearson.  
 Before everyone left, we took a cute little family of three picture and then we crashed.  
We had a wonderful day full of visitors, but we were exhausted.

We were told on Friday morning that there were 52 babies in the hospital.  They were so full!! They said that most were being discharged on Friday afternoon, so we were really looking forward to a quiet Saturday in the hospital.  

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