Monday, July 04, 2011

4th of july

I woke up feeling pretty yucky and moving really slow this morning.  I realized that I was out of pain medicine and my body was definitely feeling it.  We thought about not going over to Matt's sister's house to celebrate the 4th of July, but I really wanted to show off our little guy so we went ahead and went.  Grammy and Grandaddy were dying to see him too!! 
Peyton and Preston got to meet Pearson for the first time and we even got a picture with all the cousins.  Pearson is going to have so many fun memories with his cousins!!
Sadly I didn't take anymore pictures of Pearson's first 4th of July.  I spent the evening relaxing while everyone else loved on my baby.  I didn't even think to take pictures.  I'm sad I didn't get a family picture.  Oh well, we get to keep him forever so we'll have lots more opportunities to take family pictures!!

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