Thursday, July 07, 2011

cousins.....future best buds

Tonight we went over to my parents house for dinner.  My nephew, Carson, was over there because he was spending the night with Lolly and Pops.  He was so excited to see Pearson.  When we walked in the door he ran around the corner saying "Pisson, Pisson, Pisson".  It's so cute the way he says it!!

When Carson saw Pops holding Pearson, he asked if he could hold him too.
We propped up a bunch of pictures and let him hold him.   
He was so happy!! 
I kept asking him what he thought, and he would say "it's good".  
I can't wait for these little guys to be able to play together!! 
They are going to be best buds.
And in just a few short weeks, Carson is going to be a big brother and we are going to have a little girl in the mix!!
Yay for cousins!! Lots of fun memories to come for sure!!


  1. awww such handsome boys! Love it:)

  2. I can't believe my baby boy is going to be three in just 9 days. Makes me cry. It goes SO FAST!!! Glad you got some good pictures of them for me. He's going to be such a great big brother!!!
