Monday, July 11, 2011

meal planning monday

Matt's going back to work this week so I'm going to slowly try to get back into the kitchen.  Thankfully before Pearson was born I stocked up the freezer with meals and also made a big Sam's run.  I think we could actually go a couple of weeks without me "cooking" but just preparing meals!!  So don't get too excited about my meal plan.  I won't be trying any new recipes or cooking anything exciting for a few more weeks!! You will however be able to see some of the meals that I think freeze well.  And I know I said this earlier, but I can't tell you how awesome it is to have friends and family bring you meals after you have a baby.  I can't wait to bless other new Mommy's in the future!!

Monday: Henry's bringing  over dinner

Tuesday: Roast Pot Pie provided by my Mom

Wednesday: Leftover dinner from the Henry's

Thursday: Goodfella's Pizza with My Family

Friday: Beazley's & Cooks providing dinner

Saturday Breakfast: Sausage Balls

Saturday Lunch: Ham Rolls (pre-made & frozen), Fruit & Chips

Saturday Dinner: Chuy's with Matt's Family

Sunday Lunch: Southwestern Eggrolls (Sam's)

Sunday Dinner: Chicken Spaghetti (pre-made & frozen), Salad, & Rolls

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