Sunday, July 24, 2011

weekend wrap up

We had such a wonderful weekend.  I just love having Matt home on the weekend!!

We started the weekend Friday night with some Biscuit Pizzas, Peanut Butter cookies, and Season 1 Disc 1 of Modern Family on Netflix.  And of course some cuddling with our cute little guy!

Saturday morning I did some housework while Matt did some yard work then we had a pretty lazy day.

Saturday evening our little family of 3 headed to Allen for some bowling with our ABF at Splitsville.

I'm probably a bad Mom for taking him to such a loud place, but he did great while we were there.

He loved looking up at all the lights!

And there was no shortage of girls wanting to love on him..... he was a happy camper being held the entire time!!
All the guys played two games.   
And all the girls just played one game so we could chat while our husbands played their second game.  I just love all these girls!!
 After bowling we all headed to BJ's for a delicious dinner.  Matt and I just love BJ's.  There is seriously nothing bad on the menu.  Pearson slept the entire time we were there.  He was a perfect little angel the whole night.  I'm so thankful that we have been able to do the same things that we did before he was here.  It's feels good to be able to get out with our friends!!

I was a little afraid he wasn't going to sleep well last night because we had been out all evening and we were sort of off routine, but I put him to bed at 10:30 and he woke up to eat at 3:30 then woke up again at 8:00.  We all had a great night's sleep and we even made it to church a little early.  

After church we ate lunch at Nonnie's with the whole family.  We had such a yummy home cooked meal.  I always love eating at Nonnie's.  

This evening we took a trip to In-N-Out to get a burger then came home to relax on the couch to watch the Rangers, Big Brother and blog!!

Such a wonderful weekend!! So thankful for time with my family!!


  1. Oh my goodnes, Pearson just keeps getting cuter and cuter with every picture I see of him!!! Such a sweet little baby boy!

  2. So glad y'all got to go out and have fun! :) Sounds like he did great!

  3. So sad that Michel and I missed the ABF bowling looked like yall had a blast!!
