Friday, August 19, 2011

5 on friday

1. Pearson and I went to my school today to bring the Kinder Team Sonic drinks and say hi to everyone!  It was so much fun showing off my little guy to all my co-workers.  They all just thought he was adorable. 

2. We went to our first play-date with some girls from church.  There were 6 mommies and 9 babies.  One Mom had triplets.  She definitely deserves Mom of the Year.  I don't know how she does it!!

3.  My Erin Condren life planner came in the mail this week!!!
I've had so much fun using all my new sharpies and filling in important dates.  I just love it!!
4. We are spending the weekend with Matt's parents.  Matt will be golfing with his Dad tomorrow, but I have absolutely no plans and I'm super excited to just relax while Pearson gets some extra lovin' from his Grammy & Grandaddy!!  

5.  I got a ton of credits to One Kings Lane {thanks to you guys for purchasing under my name} so I'm spending my Friday night trying to figure out what I'm going to spend my Erin Condren e-cards on.  

Oh and I'll let you in on a little secret......

Come back Monday and I just might be hosting a little Erin Condren giveaway to share some goodies with you!!


  1. I would SO love to win the giveaway! I love your planner! :)

  2. Naturally I had to order a planner too after your post so I am glad the credit to you did go through! In my nesting mood I had to contain myself and not buy all the extra notepads/stickers/etc.

  3. This is the same pattern that I have for 2011. For 2012 I'm getting zen gem.

  4. I would love to surprise my daughter "Sarah" with in. She's a junior in college and loves your stuff. I can't afford to pay full price. I have spent the last 4 hours looking for the 1/2 coupon for the planner. I ran into your blog and I am hoping you will pick me so I can surprise her with it. Thank you so much...I love your blog and the pictures of your cute!.
