Wednesday, August 24, 2011

beer bread

I love homemade bread, but I never take the time to make it.  I don't have a bread maker and most recipes I've seen take took much time to make.   My Mom made us some homemade beer bread when we came home from the hospital and we loved it!  It has a different texture from regular bread and it's really sweet.  Mmmm I'm getting hungry just typing about it!!  It tastes great as a snack, as bread with a meal, or warmed up or toasted with butter and honey spread for breakfast.  

My favorite part of this recipe is that there are only 4 ingredients.  Yup, just 4 ingredients.  
It's SO easy to make!!
3 bottles of any kind of light beer

2 1/2 cups of sugar

7 cups of self rising four

1/2 stick of butter

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Pour batter into 3 greased loaf pans.  Bake for 45 minutes then take out of the oven.  Melt the butter and brush onto the top of each loaf.  Bake for 15 more minutes.  

That's it!! Easy huh?

If you want to make it a little different you can add 2 more ingredients. 
And voila......Cinnamon Raisin Bread.  

You can add however many raisins and however much cinnamon as you would like. I add alot of cinnamon because that's they I like it.  And here's a little tip.......before you add the raisins, coat them in a little bit of flour and it will help them not sink to the bottom of the loaf pan.  
There you have it!! 

Homemade beer bread.  

Go make some, but beware......

you won't be able to stay out of it!!


  1. I am SO making this! :)

  2. I love beer bread, but I cheat and use the mix from Tastefully Simple.

  3. Oh yum!! I've never had beer bread!

  4. mmmm!! I love beer bread and I love the idea of adding cinnamon & raisins! Yum!

  5. I am going to make this right now!!!!!!!!!! YUM!

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