Wednesday, August 10, 2011

calling all mommies: 0-6 months activities

This week's topic is.....



Pearson is really getting more alert during the day.  He loves looking at his toys on his carseat and is starting to enjoy laying under his playmat.  He is really getting to the point where we can start "playing".....well, sort of.  We are getting there.  

So my question is......

At 0-6 months.......
How do you "play" with your baby?
What activities do you do with your baby?
What are your favorite toys for your baby?


  1. You can download Slow and Steady Get Me Ready for FREE here:

    The free version is a bit outdated, but it has recommended weekly educational activities for your baby through age 5. Most, if not all, of the activities can be done with typical items you have laying around the house.

  2. I have a book your mom gave me that has a lot of activities. Remind me to give it to you.

  3. I really loved his playmat, but sounds like you have that down. :) It's really simple at that point... holding out toys for them to learn to grab, tummy time, showing them toys that feel crinkly or make noise, etc. They even enjoy just watching you. I didn't really go out of my way to do anything special.

  4. Second what others said. Make up silly songs, sing to him, pick him up and dance around the living room with him (good workout for you and fun for him), have mirror time in the bathroom, etc. There's actually all kinds of physical things you can do for you that he'll enjoy - stretching with him laying in between or on your legs, ab work with him tummy-timing on your "table" legs or sitting on your tummy leaning back on your quads, etc. He'll enjoy watching you come close and back away. At about 5 months, we went to Tiny Tots and Tunes at church and that was fun. They have a Fall Semester that we're signed up for - check it out and join us! We're going on Tuesday mornings. Anyway, have fun!

  5. Ok I am catching up so:
    1) Love the front door face-lift, you have inspired me
    2) Love love the precious announcement, ours is on our fridge :)
    3) we talk about blue and pink jobs all the time! I can't do the cleaning everyday thing-- I hate cleaning so much I have to knock it out all in one day to get it over with
    4) 0-6 month activities: we did lots of playmat time, general playing on the floor, bumbo once he is big enough, and then we did Kindermusik when Micah was 4 months all the way to about 15 months I think. We loved it. Your church (or a neighboring one) might have a free (or at least significantly cheaper than kindermusik) Tiny Tots and Tunes program. Those are great because they get social interaction and you learn a few new things you can be doing at home with them. Micah has always loved music and instruments since then.

    Also, I would recommend having times during the day, even if only for 5 minutes at a time, where you give him independent play time. I know that sounds silly but if they learn from an early age how to entertain themselves and be by themselves for a few minutes, as they get older, they can play independently and don't rely on you to entertain them all the time. I had someone tell me that when I was pregnant with Micah so I did it with both of mine and both of them are very independent. So, I can play for a few minutes and get up and do something else and then come back and play and they don't hardly notice.

  6. If you're wanting to get out of the house for a developmentally appropriate activity for him, check out your library for story times for babies. Ours sings a ton of fun songs and then has a little story. It's fun for him to be around other kids kis age.

    I always tried to have B be as active as possible. I "exercised" his little body all the time: like made his legs ride the bike while I sang songs or made silly faces, and moved his arms. I always sang songs that had fully body movements to move him to, like: Father Abraham, Hokey Pokey, Head and Shoulders, etc. I really think that's a reason he's hit all of his milestones early; his muscles were a little more developed. (i could just be totally crazy in thinking that-ha!) but he was rolling consistently at 2 months, back to front and 3 months, sitting at 5 months, etc. It was always early, esp for a boy. :) It's fun for you, too!!
