Sunday, August 07, 2011

roomie weekend

This weekend my best friend/roomie from college, her husband and baby girl came to visit us!! 

{Kory, Kinsley & Erin}
I got to visit Erin over Thanksgiving when Kinsley was 6 weeks and then Matt and I took a quick trip to Houston for a football game when Kinsley was 12 weeks.  I was super excited when Erin said they wanted to come visit us after Pearson was born!! We were super excited to show off our little boy!
Friday night, Kory went to the Rangers game while we ate homemade enchiladas and watched the Rangers game in the AC.  Erin and I talked all night all things baby.....{breastfeeding, sleeping, clothes, naps, baby food, baby gear etc.}

Saturday Kory and Matt went golfing.  While the babies were napping Michelle came over and we all made these super cute wreaths and ate some yummy chicken salad for lunch. After the babies afternoon naps Erin and I went out to my SIL house to see Miss Olivia.  For dinner we went to Taste of Italy for dinner! We had a busy fun-filled weekend! I'm so glad that Erin and her family got to come see us!!
Every time Erin and I get together or even just chat on the phone we just pick up right where we left off.  I'm so thankful that I met her my freshman year in college.  I hope that each year Erin and I can find time to visit each other to watch our precious babies grow up.   


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend. It is so fun to hear you talk about your new life as a mommy. It suits you it!
    Loved the look on Pearson's face with the 3 of you and Matt holding Pearson. He's growing so much!

  2. Had to go back and look at the picture of you three again. Looks like Pearson could be thinking, "Just hanging out with mom and dad."
