Sunday, August 21, 2011

sunday in sherman

We went to church with Grammy & Grandaddy this morning.  
Today was our last Sunday to take Pearson into church. Tear. My little boy is growing up too fast.   Next week we are going to put him in the nursery at our church.  
He did great during church today. Matt held him during the music.  He stayed awake the entire time, and actually seemed like he kind of enjoyed it.  
As soon as the sermon began I held him and he fell fast asleep.  He stayed asleep during the entire sermon and woke up when the music started back up again.  I guess the sermon just put him to sleep.  Ha!! 
After church we came back home so I could feed him, then we went out for a delicious lunch at Cheddar's.
  We are so glad we got to spend the weekend with Matt's parents.  
We already have plans to go back in September for Matt's 10th High School Reunion.  

Thanks for letting us stay with you Grammy & Grandaddy!! We love you!!


  1. I can't wait to have him in the nursery! Michel and I will be in the baby room in Joyland the second Sunday of every month...I can't remember if they have more than one baby room, but hopefully we'll have sweet little Pearson with us :)

  2. They do have several baby rooms. I think Pearson should be in 1104. Marti is in there second service and she's great (as is everyone else, of course). He'll do great in Joyland!

  3. Katy- I love following your blog and keeping up with you and Matt. I am looking forward to meeting you at our hs reunion!
