Sunday, September 18, 2011

milk & cookies shower

Today I helped throw a shower for a sweet friend in our ABF.

We went with a simple but sweet "Milk & Cookies" theme.

We had snickerdoodles, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and shortbread cookies with icing, and of course white milk and chocolate milk!!
B is for....
 Amy got lots of sweet baby boy gifts.  
Her Mom made her a beautiful hand-knit throw.  
 Oh how I love little boy clothes!! 
Pearson loved getting to hang out with all the girls, and he especially loved seeing our friend Julie whom we haven't seen in a while!! 
{Amy, Tammy, Sarah, P-Man, Jennie (and Baby Bledsoe on the way)} 
 {Natalie, Michelle, Jenny}
{Me, Courtney, Julie, Carissa}
 Pearson was all tuckered out at the end of the shower.  He fell asleep before we even left and slept the whole way home!
We are so excited for The Brattons and sweet Baby Brody's arrival.  Pearson is going to have so much fun having a little buddy in our class!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katy! I just caught up on your blog-- how did you make that diaper wreath? It is TOO CUTE!!! If you don't mind, can you email me with how you made it? Thanks!
