Sunday, September 25, 2011

this weekend

This weekend we headed to Sherman to spend the weekend with Grammy & Grandaddy.  
I'm going to make this short and sweet......

Friday: Me and Pearson had our 2nd MOPS meeting then we met Daddy for lunch at Grimaldi's for his free birthday pizza.  Matt took a half day so we could head to Sherman and beat the traffic.  We hung out with our nephews and had burgers for dinner. Grammy & Grandaddy kept Pearson while we went to the Sherman football game then the met up with some of Matt's high school friends at Loose Wheels for some live music and hanging out.  We stayed out until midnight!! Woah!! Haha!!

Saturday: We went to see our nephew play flag football then headed to the hospital that Matt's sister works at for their Fall Fest.  We hung out at the house for the afternoon then Matt's best friend came over to meet Pearson.  Grammy & Grandaddy kept Pearson again while we went to Matt's high school reunion dinner.  

Sunday: We went to Matt's parents church then went to City Limits with the whole family.  We all came back home to eat cake and open presents for all the September birthday (me, Matt & Stan).

As you can see I did a pretty crummy job of taking pictures.  So here's some that Grammy & Grandaddy no particular order. 
**Thanks you Grammy & Grandaddy for taking lots of pictures this weekend.  

I seriously need to get my act together and get my camera out for everything.  I have just all of the sudden quit taking pictures. Our little man is growing up way to fast and I have got to start capturing every single moment.

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