Friday, October 21, 2011

75% nutrition/25% fitness

This is so true. 
I started doing Weight Watchers about 3 weeks ago.  I love doing Weight Watchers because it helps me focus on eating right.   I used to be the kind of person that thought I couldn't lose weight if I wasn't working out.  But I have found that losing weight is all (or almost all) about nutrition.  I'm definitely working on my abs in the kitchen and not the gym (mainly because I can rarely find that much time to workout), and it's definitely working.  
Right before I got pregnant I lost 5 pounds and got down to the smallest I had been. My goal post- pregnancy is to get back down to my "skinny" pre-pregnancy weight, not just back to my "regular" weight.  

All but 15 pounds "fell off".  For the first 3 months, I literally did nothing to lose weight.  I ate what I wanted and rarely exercised (and if I did it was just a walk).  All I did to lose the weight was breastfeed.  It really does help the pounds fall off!!

Three weeks into doing Weight Watchers I am 5.8 pounds down.  I only have 9.2 more to get to my ultimate goal!!


  1. Good for you! I love WW, it has always worked for me in the past.

  2. WW is great! Have done it many times with great success. Lost 40 pounds the first time. Have been off it for awhile. Plan to start again this Wednesday. Way to go!

  3. Yeah, I am down 11 pounds in 3 weeks. Keep it up. Not exercising yet either.

  4. Is WW expensive?? I wonder if it's that kick in the pants that I need to get these last few lbs off....

  5. Keep it up!! So happy for you! It will come off!!

  6. Wow! You are amazing! Keep up the good work lady:) I wish I had some dedication:)

  7. Way to Go! I too have done nothing to lose weight these first few months. The two times I have gone to the gym were the 2 days before I went back to work and that was to burn off the nerves and tears of going back to work. I have realized my metabolism is not what it was when I was pregnant. Finding time to exercise is not easy so I know I have got to get my eating back under control. I have always felt that eating right was a waste of time if I wasn't exercising....NO MORE EXCUSES :) Thanks for the motivation
