Wednesday, October 12, 2011

K'Link baby wraps for sale

My absolute favorite "baby gear" item is my wrap that my Mom made for me.  
 When Pearson was little little I would put him in it so I could get things done around the house.  I especially used it when he was fussy around dinner time and Daddy wasn't home yet.  
Now I put him in it every we go to the grocery store.  He absolutely loves being in it.  It's great because he thinks he's being held, but I have 2 free hands.  Plus it frees up the seat in the cart 
{or as I say, buggy} for me to put my purse and coupon binder.  I don't know how I would grocery shop without it.  He doesn't make a peep while he's in it.   
As you can see, there are 2 rings that he actually "sits" in, then you wrap the other piece around to secure him in and make the wrap look cute!! 
He can sit facing me or facing out.
He loves being it both ways.  I'm telling you, he would stay in this wrap all day long if I let him.  He loves it!! And I love it too!!
 It's so handy to have around.  What you can't see in the picture is that if you turn the colorful fabric square inside out you can put the all the pieces into it as a carrier for the entire wrap.  The you have a cute compact little carrier for your wrap that will fit right into your diaper bag!!
I have recently learned how to make these myself and I'm so excited to share that I will be selling my "K'Link baby wraps" called for $40.  {plus shipping if you don't live locally} Similar wraps sold in stores retail around $70, so this is a steal!!
These would make great Christmas gifts or  baby gifts or you could even buy one for yourself.  I know you will love it!! 
If you are interested in purchasing one, please e-mail me at 

katymlink {at} gmail {dot} com

and we can talk details!!


  1. That is so awesome you are making them! It is super cute! :)

  2. You look so good!!!! Are you already back to pre baby weight???

  3. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I want to order one for my BFF in Indiana! She's about to pop - about one month left! I'm just checking with her on colors/patterns/themes and I'll let you know ASAP. Also, you look GREAT for just having a baby! I want your discipline/willpower :).
