Friday, October 28, 2011

praying for a win tonight

We stayed up SO late last night watching Game 6 of the World Series.  We almost had it, but we couldn't quite pull it off.  Tonight's Game 7 is going to be a tough win as we don't have the winning momentum, we are at a disadvantage with the National League rules, and we aren't at home.   

We are praying for a win tonight though!!!
Our RANGERS, Who art in Texas,
Winners be thy name.
The Cardinals will come, they will be done
in St. Louis as they were in Texas.
Give us this week a Series win
and forgive us our bullpen losses as we cause
losses upon their bullpen.
Lead us not into off-season, but deliver us
for the RANGERS are the swingdome,
the claw and the antlers forever.
Come Rangers!!! This is our night!! Let's win it all tonight!!

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