Monday, October 03, 2011

this too shall pass

Pearson has been such a good baby from Day 1.  He's a great sleeper, a great eater, a great napper, and just a content little guy.  I have heard that when times get tough I just have to tell myself "This too shall pass", because everything with a baby is just a phase, and it will pass.  Thankfully until just this weekend we have had only good phases.  

I think we have hit the teething phase because Pearson is SUPER FUSSY!!

I'm such a mean Mom for taking all these pictures and even a video of him so mad, but in a weird way I want to remember these days so I can be super thankful for the good days!!
Pearson is sitting in my lap right now fussing as I type this and every time I play this video of him he calms down.  Ha!! Maybe he is realizing how ridiculous it is for his to be so mad!!

This too shall pass!!


  1. Poor little guy. Teething is certainly the worst, and it feels like IT NEVER ENDS! My daughter's getting her I teeth in right now and she's not doing so well with it either. Its the worst too because us mommies can't do much to help them. I highly recommend chilling some teething rings or getting one of those mesh feeders and sticking an ice cube in it. That's always whats worked best for Alea. That and the natural Orajel.

  2. Aww..Poor thing...And Momma...

  3. I hear ya Katy! Adelyn has been a different baby ever since she got ear infection last week.'re right! This too shall pass!! :)

  4. I think Lucas is teething too. He's been fussy, not sleeping well, drooling like crazy, running a low grade fever off and on, and constantly sucking on his fist. Poor guy. I never expected to be going through this so soon. It's tough, but we will get through it. Hang in there! Enjoy that precious time you have at home with him. What a gift
