Sunday, November 13, 2011

did you miss me?

Almost every time I see my 3 year old nephew he asks me......Did you miss me??  It's so cute!!


Did you miss me??


I guess I should say

Did you miss this little guy?? 
We are still here.  

I just flat out didn't feel like blogging this week.  

I had a really hard week.  Okay, maybe it wasn't that hard.  I was just super emotional this week. 

Pearson did have a rough week "napping-wise" and to be honest my week wasn't really all that hard because of him.  I spent alot of the week feeling sorry for myself.  {I know.....pathetic} Satan was really trying to feed me lies of feeling like I'm alone in the role of being a stay at home mom. For the first time this week I just really felt overwhelmed with my role of being a Mom and blogging was just the last thing on my list of things to do. I am super thankful for my supportive husband that was soooooooo patient with me this week.  He even took me out on Saturday for a little lunch and shopping to help cheer me up.  I'm hoping to be back around here on the blog with some fun posts {i.e Pearson's first giggle video and his 5 month post}.  But more importantly than blogging I also hope to spend alot of time clinging to God's word this week to help push away the lies that Satan has been feeding me.  

I have a brand new attitude for this week and I know it's going to be a good one.  

I hope you have a great week too!! 


  1. I know how you feel, Satan got a hold of me one day this week. Praying that you have a better week.

    "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

  2. I love you and think you are an amazing mother!!! I know for sure that you are a terrific SIL and you're a pretty awesome wife and daughter-in-law too.

    Have a GREAT week!

  3. I'm going to say something that might sound horrible at first. I'm glad to hear that you are having a rough week and feeling overwhelmed. I've often read your blog and thought that you just make it all sound so easy and it sometimes has left me wondering why it doesn't feel so easy to me. So that is my very odd way of saying that you are SO NOT ALONE. We all have times when we struggle; we just put our best foot forward (I have to remind myself of that when I end up stupidly comparing myself to others). I LOVE my job, like you do, but truly loving something isn't always easy. Good to get in the word. If you ever want a playdate or want to trade-off kids/errand running time, let me know. Have a great week!

  4. Oh Katy....I had a week like that a few weeks ago! It seems like there is judgement whether you are a SAHM or a working mommy. You are a great mom! I love the verse that Carissa left you...I'm putting that on my mirror!

  5. I hope you have a better week! Pearson is so lucky to have you as a SAH Mommy! Even though I am not a mommy yet, I have had some days a few weeks ago where I had to look to God for the right answers. Hang in there! Your Faith will help you make it!
