Sunday, November 06, 2011

subway art

When Pearson was born I saw a cute shop on Etsy where you could personalize a picture with your baby's birth stats.  I loved it and knew I had a perfect spot for it in Pearson's nursery, but I wasn't about to pay $20 for some ink printed on cardstock.  Thankfully my sweet sister in law is awesome with Photoshop and all things digital so she made it for me!!
Apparently this type of artwork is called "Subway Art" and I have since become a little obsessed with it!!

Tonight I printed off Subway Art for each holiday.  I would like to find a place on one of my end tables to decorate for each season/holiday of the year!! 

Here's a link to all the cute Subway Art I printed off tonight!!

Cheap, easy craft!! Gotta love it!!

Thank you Pinterest!!!


  1. I love this! I may steal off of Pinterest too! :)

  2. CUTE! I absolutely LOVE this because you can make it so personal too:) Cute idea and yes Pinterest is the best:)

  3. i LOVE subway art!! so fun! :) Pearson's is really neat and fun that his aunt made it!

  4. love Pearson's subway art!
