Monday, December 12, 2011

bananas & sweet potatoes

A few weeks ago Pearson had his first taste of rice cereal. He loved it and he has loved everything else we have given him since then.   He has also had oatmeal, barley, and mixed grain cereal.  On Saturday he tasted bananas for the first time.  I mixed it with his rice cereal.  He loved it!!

Here is a video of him eating his rice and bananas.  
**Warning: This video is a little long.  I just thought grandparents might like to see it!!
Tonight I gave him sweet potatoes that I made with my Beaba!!
He got quite a bit on his face, but most of it went in his mouth.  I think he liked them. 
Here's a video of his first taste of sweet potatoes.
 I think he is going to be a good eater and like everything, just like his Daddy.  
 I'm looking forward to letting him try lots of new foods in the coming weeks.  
I've got homemade apples, pears, carrots, zuchinni, squash and peas waiting in the freezer.  And I've also got store bought prunes, peaches, apricots and mangos to try.



  1. So cute! I can't believe he is eating 'food' already! Do you take all your videos from your phone or do you have a video camera?

  2. PS- Thanks for the advice on my blog!

  3. Be careful with those prunes!:) Looks like he loves eating!

  4. So fun! And you are so prepared!! Great job :)

    How are you defrosting the food? I've heard not to put in the microwave.

  5. Precious!! I just started out giving H fresh bananas because I had them. I just mash them up and he loves them. He had sweet potatoes tonight for the first time. This is so fun!
