Tuesday, December 06, 2011

homemade chai tea latte

I'm not a coffee drinker and I'm not really a huge fan of hot chocolate or hot tea, so when it's cold outside that doesn't leave me too many options of warm drinks to make at home.  Last night I decided to try my hand a homemade chai tea latte.
It's no Starbuck's or Shoemaker & Hardt Chai Tea Latte, but it was pretty good!!

 You'll need....

chai tea
ground nutmeg
Reddi Whip

And of course you'll need a cute mug!!
Boil the milk.  I boiled 2 cups to make a large latte for me and Matt to share!
For every cup of milk, use one tea bag.  
 Pour the boiling milk over the tea bags, cover with foil and let it steep for a few minutes.  Squeeze the tea bags to get all the yummy chai flavor in the milk.  
Add your desired amount of Spenda, top with whip cream and sprinkle with a little bit of ground nutmeg and cinnamon.  
  Stir it all up.  
 And enjoy!!


  1. Yummy...it's like Christmas in a cup!

  2. YUM! I love chai tea!

  3. Sounds wonderful! I love the Big Train Chai mixes, but this might be cheaper. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm not a coffee fan or a hot chocolate fan but my sister had me try the white chocolate hot chocolate from starbucks. It was really good!!!

  5. So I went to Panera today to study and had a free drink on my Panera card. I thought I would try a Chai Tea Latte since you always talk about how awesome it is. I figured it's free so if I don't like it no big deal. OMG it was yummy! Possibly a new favorite drink. Thanks! :)
