Friday, December 09, 2011

merry "tacky" christmas

We had our ABF Christmas party last night.  Before heading to the party, we dropped the little man off at Matt's sister's house.  We are so thankful to have family close by to watch him when we have things to go to!! Can you tell he was just about ready for bed?!?!
 Obviously you can see by our attire that it was a Tacky Christmas Party!!  The Crumley's (who I forgot to take a picture of) hosted our party and catered some delicious Mexican food. We also had a white elephant gift exchange.  Good times!! It was definitely a fun night!!

{The Zellners}
{The Hjertstedts}
who announced they are having a baby due July 4th
{The Hutchisons}

 {The Kennedys}
 {The Hanks}
 {The Hares}
 {The Henrys}
 {The Jones'}
 {The Goodings}
 {The Hoopers}
 {The Bledsoes}
and Baby Boy Bledsoe coming in March!!
 {The Hammetts}
 {The Depues} 
{The Janes}
{The Davis'}
{Julie & Sam}
the single ladies.....their husbands had to work :(
**not pictured: {The Howards} and Baby Howard due July 9th

Can you tell that our class is having a baby boom?  We have 2 baby boys here {Pearson & Brody}, a baby boy and baby girl on the way, and 3 unknown genders on the way!!  Yay, for lots of little friends for Pearson!! Who's next????

And just in case you were wondering......Matt is wearing a women's sweater and I am wearing button covers!! Awesome huh?
Merry "tacky" Christmas!!


  1. We definitely had a fun tacky Christmas party! I loved all the great outfits and the cute couples pictures you took:) Yay for another amazing year with a fabulous ABF!

  2. We are doing this next weekend! I LOVE your button covers! haha!!!

  3. I took a picture of Joel and I with my camera. I am about to post it to my blog. Feel free to steal it!

  4. Loved all the pictures!! I didn't notice how many couples have last names that start with an "H" until scrolling through your pictures :)

  5. Button covers--haha! I totally forgot about those!! Pearson looks so sweet in his Santa hat!
