Wednesday, December 28, 2011

a night out with my boys

So Matt and I were totally blessed by a sweet friend of mine tonight.  A friend that I used to teach with called last week and asked if we would be interested in 2 Baylor tickets to the Men's Basketball game at the American Airlines Center and a free nights stay at the W Hotel in Dallas.  Her parents had won the package in a contest and weren't able to use it so they wanted to give it to someone who could really enjoy it.  If you know my husband at all you know he is  huge Baylor Sports fan so we jump on board immediately.  

We shopped around at Park Lane this afternoon, leisurely drove through Highland Park, then checked into the hotel around 4pm.  I got my camera out to start taking pictures and of course, my battery was dead.  I was so iPhone pics for the weekend.  Thank goodness for phones that take decent pictures!!

P-Man was loving the big King Sized bed!!
 We got free WiFi for our stay!!
 And we have a nice view of the city. (behind these curtains)
 The bathroom is sooooo modern.  
 We literally walked right out of our hotel and right into the game!!
 We had no idea that our seats were on the floor.  Matt was super pumped about being so close to his Baylor Bears. 
 Me and my little buddy in his vintage BU gear watching the game.  I actually had a great time watching the game.  I can enjoy any sport when I'm right up in the action!!
 See how close we were!!
 We were so close that the refs could possibly hear all the stuff that Matt was yelling at them!!
 Pearson was absolutely perfect for the entire game.  The game started after his bedtime so I didn't really know how he was going to do.  He took a nap before we left so he was so happy to look around at the players and the big screen.  He was even being a little flirt with all the ladies around us.     
 The Bears won 54-52.  It was such a great game.  Matt was super excited for the win!!  The game was on ESPN2 so we had tons of friends facebooking/tweeting/texting us telling us that they saw us on TV.  One friend even said that Matt's reaction when the game was over was awesome!!
Such a fun night out with my boys. 
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to the Collins family for thinking of us and blessing us with a fun night out!!


  1. Pearson's little jacket looked like it fit him pretty well. I'm glad I found it in the attic so he could wear it tonight.

  2. What a super special night out with your boys! I am so sure that Matt was in heaven and what special memories you guys made! Plus just a wonderful night away:)

  3. Looks like a fun night and free just makes it better!! :)

  4. SO fun! Sarah knows you very well! I'm sure Matt loved every second; I know Michael would have :)

    So glad Pearson had such a fun Christmas :)
    And my goodness, I can't believe you had a kidney stone! I don't know much about them, but that looks like a big one, too. Hope you never have another one!

  5. That is so awesome Katy! What a fun, amazing night! :)

  6. So fun and sic 'em!!
